035 Increasing classroom situational interest

Nathaniel Hunsu

This might sound like a no-brainer, but something that captivates a students’ attention, will help them to then better engage in the lesson, activity, discussion, or what have you.

Personal interest is something that is more long-term… more innate… it’s value-based.

Situtational interest is something that teachers often have incredible ability to control, and it’s the ability to gain the attention and engage the students.

At least that’s the really basic way to describe it.

We caught up with Nathaniel Hunsu at this year’s Academic Showcase at Washington State University. Nathaniel since has earned his Ph.D. and has secured a tenure-track faculty position at the University of Georgia. He’ll teach engineering education.

But for this podcast, he’ll talk about increasing or fostering more situational interest in an educational engineering classroom.
