041 Inga Kromann Book Award 2017

Tariq Akmal, award-winner Stephanie Sparks, and Jane Kelley

Every year, a WSU student wins the Inga Kromann Book Award. We’ve highlighted previous winners on our podcast. The purpose of this award is to recognize the literary talents and efforts of the students. This year’s winner is Stephanie Sparks, with her book A Pencil Named Benson. She tells us more. Education Eclipse starts now.

Episode 1: From the joy of sport to the Ice Capades and back again: A tale of learning to love what your body can do

In this episode, I talk with Christy Greenleaf,  professor of sport and exercise psychology at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee about her own experiences as an ice-skater, her pursuit of speed skating as well as her research on fat stigma and The Biggest Loser.

034 Dogs in school

People are bringing dogs into schools more than ever before. Usually, the reason deals with social aspects or social skills. Comfort dogs, for example. A lot of times, we call it canine therapy.

But do we know the effect that dogs truly have on learning? Some research suggests there are some benefits to dogs in the classroom, especially for students with disabilities.

That’s exactly what educational psychology doctoral student Katie Barton is trying to find out.
